Franco remembers the second Deneuve cover. “Two dancers from SF straddling each other on a motorcycle with a gay flag in the background. If that doesn’t say lesbian I don’t know what does!”

Franco remembers the second Deneuve cover. “Two dancers from SF straddling each other on a motorcycle with a gay flag in the background. If that doesn’t say lesbian I don’t know what does!”
Superhero producer Rivkah Beth Medow tries out an iridescent backdrop for the AHEAD OF THE CURVE set.
AHEAD OF THE CURVE mascot Punum is waiting for his close-up!
Lesbians Who Tech invites you to its 6th Annual Leadership Summit for mid-level and executive LGBTQ women, non-binary & trans individuals & our allies in NYC. Learn more & apply here.
DJ extraordinaire Page Hodel, you have our hearts! So fun to have you on the set of AHEAD OF THE CURVE.
Franco got into the spirit during the riotous Drag Brunch at Toronto’s Glad Day Bookshop, the world’s oldest surviving LGBTQ bookstore, during a visit with Kim Katrin & Tiq Milan. We love you Erin Brockobić!
Today is a huge day for AHEAD OF THE CURVE – We’re making this film because LGBTQ rights remain under attack, and VISIBILITY is one of our most powerful tools to combat discrimination. We’re launching a Kickstarter campaign to help us finish the film! We need your help with 2 things: 1) DONATE any amount […]
These “untold stories” have been told in other venues, such as San Francisco’s GLBT Historical Society Museum. But a kaleidoscopic exploration like this, which proudly focuses on fringe elements, has never filled the galleries of a major museum. Read more here Make sure you see the “Queer California: Untold Stories” exhibit through August 11, 2019.
Check out this awesome article on how Jill Gutowitz, and five other lesbians have grappled with their relationship to the word “lesbian”. “I often mourn for my younger self and the pieces of my personality that I stripped away, pieces it took years to rebuild and fully love. But today, I will not mourn. Today, […]
Happy #LesbianDayOfVisibility! Here’s to all lesbians: the lesbians of color, the trans lesbians, the poor and working-class lesbians, lesbian moms, lesbian grandmas, lesbian pet parents, disabled lesbians, lesbians of faith, and so many more! Posted @withrepost • @katjweiss It doesn’t matter how you show up in the world, what matters is that you are here […]